Journal Articles


Bennett, W.G. (to appear 2019). ‘Backwards’ sibilant palatalization in a variety of Setswana. In Proceedings from ACAL 47. University of California, Berkley, (23-26 March, 2016).

Nikolic, D. (2019). Tone and break-index (ToBi) theoretical framework applications with EFL speakers. In Proceedings from Language, Literature, Theory. University of Nis, Serbia (27-28 April, 2018).

Rey, L., & Nagy, N. (to appear 2019). Documentation automatique de [i] en faetar : Une méthodologie pour la découverte de l’espace vocalique à l’aide de réseaux neuronaux artificiels. Géolinguistique


Athanasopoulou, A., & Flynn, D. (2018). Vowel length distinctions in Plains Cree. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America144(3), 1941-1941.

Bennett, W. G., & DelBusso, N. (2018). The typological effects of ABC constraint definitions. Phonology, 35(1), 1-37.

Bennett, W. G., & Pulleyblank, D. (2018). Directionality in Nkore-Kiga sibilant harmony: arbitrary or emergent? Linguistic Inquiry, 49(1), 1-22.

Nikolić, D. (2018). Empirical Analysis of Intonation Activities in EFL Student’s Books. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7(3), 181-187.

Windsor, J., Coward, S., & Flynn, D. (2018). Disentangling Stress and Pitch Accent in Munster Irish. In (Eds.) Wm. G. Bennett et al. Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics.  430-437.


Bennett, W. G., & Rose, S. (2017). Moro voicelessness dissimilation and binary [voice]. Phonology, 34(3), 473-505. 

Bennett, W. G., & DelBusso, N. (2017). Typological consequences of ABCD constraint forms. In NELS 47: Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Vol. 1, pp. 75-88).

Köhlo, M. D., Siebörger, I., & Bennett, W. G. (2017). A perfect end: A study of syllable codas in South African Sign Language. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 52(1), 127-156. 

Nikolić, D. (2017). Intelligibility within a Modified CLIL Framework. Glottodidactica. An International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 44(1), 119-130. 


Braver, A., & Bennett, W. G. (2016). Phonotactic c(l)ues to Bantu noun class disambiguation. Linguistics Vanguard, 2(1).

Bennett, W. G., Diemer, M., Kerford, J., Probert, T., & Wesi, T. (2016). Setswana (South African). Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 46(2), 235-246

Braver, A., & Bennett, W. G. (2016, June). Phonotactics of noun class disambiguation in Xhosa. In Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology (Vol. 3). 

Bennett, W. G., Del Busso, N., & Iacoponi, L. (2016, June). Formally mapping the typologies of interacting ABCD systems. In Proceedings of the Annual Meetings on Phonology (Vol. 3). 

Chow, U. Y., & Winters, S. J. (2016). Perception of intonation in Cantonese: Native listeners versus exemplar-based model. In Proceedings of the 2016 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.

Kabasele, P. M. (2016). Testing the Perceptual Contrast Between /o/and /ɔ/, and /e/ and /ɛ/in Kinshasa Lingala. In Proceedings of the 2016 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.

Nikolić, D. (2016). Acoustic analysis of English vowels produced by American speakers and highly competent Serbian l2 speakers. Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 85-101. 

Rey, L. (2016). The Language Identification Problem: Formant Analysis and Cross-Linguistic Uniqueness. Western Papers in Linguistics / Cahiers linguistiques de Western, 3(1), 5.

Windsor, J. W. (2016). Prosodic evidence for the syntactic constituency of demonstratives in Irish. In Proceedings of the 2016 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.


Bennett, W. G., & Braver, A. (2016). The productivity of ‘unnatural’labial palatalization in Xhosa. Nordlyd, 42(1), 33-44. 

Bennett, W. G. (2015). Assimilation, dissimilation, and surface correspondence in Sundanese. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 33(2), 371-415.

Greer, S., & Winters, S. (2015). The perception of coolness: differences in evaluating voice quality in male and female speakers. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.

Una Y. Chow and Stephen J. Winters (2015). Exemplar-Based Classification of Statements and Questions in Cantonese. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.


Bennett, W. G. (2014). Agreement, dependencies, and Surface Correspondence in Obolo and beyond. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus44, 149-171. 

Bennett, W. G. (2014). Some differences between clicks and labio-velars. South African Journal of African Languages, 34(2), 115-126. 

Flynn, D., & Fulop, S. (2014). Acoustic phonetic features in Athabaskan sound change. Diachronica31(2), 192-222.

Greer, S., & Winters, S.(2014). A cross-generational investigation of voice quality in women. Calgary Working Papers in Linguistics, 28, 24-48.


Stephen J. Winters and Mary O’Brien (2013) Perceived accentedness and intelligibility: the relative contributions of F0 and duration. Speech Communication, 55(3), 468-507. 



Windsor, J., Flynn, D., & Coward, S. (2018). Munster Irish Word-internal Prosody: Clues from Word-external Prosody. Presented at Alberta Conference on Linguistics, University of Calgary, Canada (27 October, 2018).

Nikolic, D. (2018). ToBi Analysis of EFL Serbian Speakers’ Intonation Use. Presented at Alberta Conference on Linguistics. University of Calgary, Canada (27 October, 2018).

Nikolic, D. (2018) Contribution of Segmental and Intonation Features to the Perception of Foreign Accent. Presented at BIMEP (Belgrade International Meeting of English Phoneticians). University of Belgrade, Serbia (30 March, 2018).

Flynn, D., Windsor, J.,  & Storoshenko, D. (2018). On the Phonology of Personal Dative Constructions. Presented at Alberta Conference on Linguistics. University of Calgary, Canada (27 October, 2018).


Flynn, D., Windsor, J., & Coward, S. (2017). The Phonetics of Prominence of the Word and Phrase in Three Irish Dialects. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, York University, Toronto, ON (May 27–29, 2017).
Flynn, D. (2017). Weak Syllable Refitting in Late-Stage Phonological Development. Presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the NorthWest Phonetics & Phonology Conference (NoWPhon), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (May 19–21, 2017).

Nikolic, D. (2017). Communication: An Overview of CLIL and Non-CLIL Classroom Practices. Presented at Osterreichische Linguistiktagung. Alpen-Adrian University Klagenfurt, Austria (7-10 December, 2017).

Rey, L. (2017). Finding Hidden Patterns through Machine Learning: A Methodology Measuring Vowel Variation in Corpora of Untagged Speech. Presented at ABLT/BWTL 2017, University of Toronto.

Rey, L. (2017). A Neural Network Approach to Statistical Machine Learning, using Natural Speech. Presented at WISSLR 2017, Western University.

Rey, L. (2017). Quantifying Variation in Heritage Faetar Speakers: A Neural Network Approach. Presented at TULCON 2017, University of Toronto.


Rey, L. (2016). Identifying Language Phonetically: Cross Linguistic Comparison of Vowel Vector Probability. Presented at CULC 10, Cornell University.

*Check out some more of Dr. Flynn’s conference presentations here.


Stephen Winters, Karen Lichtman and Silke Weber (2013). The role of linguistic knowledge on the encoding of words and voices in memory. Proceedings of the Second Language Research Forum 2011: Innovation in Second Language Acquisition Research: Converging Theory and Practice.

Book Chapters


Flynn, D. & Cook, E. D. (2018). Indigenous Languages in Canada. In William O’Grady and John Archibald (eds.), Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, 9th edn. Toronto: Pearson.

Flynn, D. (2018). Canada. In G. N. Devy and Geoffrey V. Davis (eds.), Language, vol. 2 of Key Concepts in Indigenous Studies. New York: Routledge.


Flynn, D. (2014) The Black Vernacular versus a Cracker’s Knack for Verses. In Scott F. Parker (ed.), Eminem and Rap, Poetry, Race: Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 65-88.